Wednesday, 24 April 2013

All is well.

Since my last blog, the cold wind which had been blowing since February has at last relented allowing our normal warmer South Westerlies to come in which does bring in rain but we do need it after the ground had been subjected to drying sub zero conditions. The soil was cold to quite a depth.

Our allotmenteers are a hardy breed and most had been on site at some point during the cold snap to prepare their patch for the season ahead and I include  a couple of pics showing the site a week after the milder weather returned, i.e. the second week of April and looking around I felt satisfied we had a good team on board now, the iffy, maybe, sometime, never tenants had gone and been replaced with keen, knowledgable ,true gardeners. Credit to them all for the hard work put in, let us hope the season ahead rewards.

The mini orchard has now been planted. This is situated on an area in the far corner which was a problem to know what to do with as too wet for a plot here, we tried it. Strange as the patch faces S.W., gets plenty of sun but perhaps the giant trees behind the area prevent enough air circulation, who knows, just hope the 15 fruit trees take off and flourish.

We are more exposed to the passing world now with the removal of boundary trees and the imminent realignment of the Cornish hedge that hides us from the road. This is to allow better vision for us and the coaches visiting Lanhydrock to  exit the new car park, all part of big changes in the area (not allowed to say the E word, but rhymes with great). Some tenants feel uncomfortable with the high visibility of our site but we have been assured that we will be ok with a new screen shortly.

Our social life has us attending an event every month but had a disappointment this month as the day before we were due to visit the St. Austell brewery to tour the works, we were asked to cancel as there was emergency maintenance to be carried out the same w/e and the water was turned off so machines all off too. How inconsiderate! Fortunately, I was able to contact all those going in time as we had arranged to meet there. Oh well, another time, can't be helped.

Must say we are sorry to lose Kevin and Charlotte Chapman who had been with us since day one but found life's other commitments to much to justify keeping their plot. We will miss them in particular Charlotte's lovely smile whenever you saw her. :)

Right, it's good growing weather so I'm off the computer now to get planting, I have a lot of competition this year with all the plots looking good. Glad. Billy no- mates has even risked planting out his runner beans, mine are just considering germinating in the greenhouse. I must be old fashioned thinking the second week in May was early enough. Have always had a gardening calendar in my head, maybe I need to have an update soon.  

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