Tuesday 22 January 2013

Frosty Morning on the Allotment

Decided it was time to clean the tools and clear out my locker in the communal shed today, well can't get on the plot to dig or prepare beds cause it's frozen solid!   Made the fatal mistake too of wearing my wellie boots and no thermal socks.....memo to self not to make that stupid mistake again.   Done all the jobs I can at home sat beside the warm fire, planned the beds planted them out in my mind umpteen times.   Trawled the multitude of seed catalogues dropping on my hallway floor, watched the Victorian Kitchen Garden DVD with Harry Dobson and my hero  Geoff Hamilton's DVD.   I think he should be compulsory watching for all budding allotment holders, his helpful no nonsense approach has come to my rescue many times.  Anyway as I said I had no option now  but to head for the plot itself and collect the tools for their spring clean and any running repairs needed.  Can you love a spade? I do...it fits perfectly in my hands with the wood feeling so smooth and oozing the tender loving care lavished on it by  past gardeners.  The business end is pitted with age but slices through the soil easily and is just the right weight for me to be able to throw the lovely manure, now protecting my soil, around with gusto..........yes I know I should get a hobby....I do....gardening.    While I was up the plot however I was amazed just how much frost was around.   The poor pond was frozen and the pink ducks looked like they could have done with hats & scarves.  

Frosty Greens for tea...
           Mind you it did look quite pretty the way some of the veg had been frosted
but the poor wheelbarrow looked a bit sad..... 
Waiting for spring......



...but spring is just around the corner, walking around Lanhydrock last week I saw snowdrops, primroses and daffodils out in flower.  In my own garden my welsh poppy has not stopped flowering, my tulips are about an inch (2.4cms for those of you of metric bent) above the soil and my broad beans are up and doing well in the greenhouse.  

Trying a new variety for us this year - Mr. Jones - anyone grown it before?  Okay feet have now thawed out so need to go and have cup of coffee and feed the chickens.

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