Wednesday 1 August 2012

What weather?????

Can the weather not make up it's mind?   Woke up this morning and it's pouring down come lunchtime the sun was shining hotfooted it up the plot and armed with a joblist a mile long, string for tying up plants blown apart by the strong winds and an enthusiastic grandson ready to do battle! What a stange season we're having, lost all but one of my cucumber plants to voles, slugs have decimated my Kohl Rabi and have had to cover all the brassicas due to the colony of pigeons resident on our site.  

My grandson admirably disposed of the slugs found on site today (I don't feel I can divulge the gorey details here though) wish he was here more  often I might stand a fighting chance then!  

 Mind you the plots are looking good despite the weather and attack from 'wee beasties', had a good crop of blackcurrants and whitecurrants.   Put those with the redcurrants from my garden and I see lots of Summer Puddings in the coming weeks.   Trying some new squashes this year, Jumbo Pink Banana, looking good amongst the sweetcorn and climbing beans. Anyone else tried this variety?  Would appreciate some info about them if possible.   I decided to try the '3 sisters' method of growing these 3 crops, not that space is an issue but I thought it might protect the sweetcorn from the strong winds and retain moisture in the ground......not that that's been an issue this year. 

  Sweet peas have done well but put to shame by the flower display on Penny's plot, amazing show of cornflowers!.     Considering the weather and taking on a new piece of ground she produced a stack of flowers for her daughter's wedding next weekend.   Standing back looking at my plot and the others on the site I feel that we've done some good work there, okay we've had some failures but all in all they look pretty good and I've seen many people leave the site with armfuls of produce..........a lot more than some people further up country have harvested.   But hey we are gardeners and  therefore never satisfied we just have to plan for next year and pray for sunshine!

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