Here we are on the last day of 2011 and what a peculiar year it has been! Weather has played havoc with seed sowing and planting out, so much so that having to seriously reconsider what we grow on the plot this year. My chard which normally romps away has struggled this year, repeated sowings of spinach have failed and sweetcorn was a disaster. However looking on the positive side raspberries crops were good, rhubarb fantastic and the sprouting broccoli is holding its own against all odds! Also it has been a pleasure to wander round the allotment and chat to my fellow plot holders, seen some wonderful sunsets, listened to the various birds that live around our plots and for someone to spot a bird of prey that hopefully will help us in our fight against the delightful but hungry voles! Some plot holders have decided to go, and that’s sad and we will miss them, but very pleased to welcome new ones to our site. New people bring bags of enthusiasm and at this time of year that’s always welcome!
This time of year can be depressing but each time I go out of my backdoor I see my Blackcurrant Sage that has decided to buck the trend and flower for all it’s worth! Reminding me that after all I may think they germinate and grow because of me but I really play such a small part in it all and actually it's probably inspite of what I do!
So to all you enthusiastic gardeners out there put the failures of 2011 behind you, have faith that 2012 will be the best year ever for allotments!
Happy New Year and good gardening!