Friday 20 July 2012

Not a total disaster.

After spending a busy working morning on my plot, I realised that this very wet season hasn't been a total write off when I added up what had been successful this season. Carrots and parsnips, squashes and courgette family too had been a waste of time BUT I harvested all my broad beans as they were showing signs of rot so thought I'd get what I could out of them. Surprisingly, most of the pods had usable beans even if some of the pod was black, ended up with a good amount.  Runner beans had now reached the top of the canes even if they haven't filled out as much as usual so quite optimistic with them as plenty of blossom, just hope they pollinate with a bee shortage this year.
The raspberries are bearing a huge crop ripening nicely and all currant bushes are simarly laden. This will make up for the disappointment of the strawberries rotting before ripe, not helped by their extra large leaves shielding light and air. I removed a lot of these a couple of weeks ago when I realised what the problem was but too late as the ground was saturated already and with no sun to dry, they'd had it.
Potato blight hit us a month earlier than usual but a blight resistant variety is performing well and hasn't been affected yet so hopeful with them. They are Sarpo Mira and JBA potatoes say they are as blight resistant as one can get so we believe them.
All in all, although a lot of our group have been very disappointed with the way the season has gone, there are still good reasons why we should persevere with our love of grow your own, win some lose some?

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