Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A good day for us all

The season is just right for our allotments to produce their best year for good fruit and veg with rain and sun alternating at the correct times UNTIL the day selected some time ago for our annual BBQ and prizegiving for the best allotments. Obviously a lot of planning, roll ordering, games, cups and rosettes, seating, shelter etc, etc, goes into the organising for such a lot of folk that were expected to attend and my wife Ruth wore her mouse clicking finger out checking the weather out on so  
many occasions before the day. Fortunately, we were warned that despite the previous 7 days being fine and dry, the Sunday was to be a horror so we had to cancel everything and hope the forecast was right as a lot of disappointment was being shown at our decision. It was a deluge, rain and wind all day so happy we had postponed for one week.
Luckily our volunteer cooks, Mike and Carol, were free on the new date, although a few folk that would have attended on the wash out day, couldn't on the rearranged day.
At the second attempt, all went well thoughout the day and 64 of our members and their families relaxed in the warm sunshine enjoying the superb spread, most donated on the day.
The prizegiving, raffle (top prize free rent for 2014), childrens games, tombola stall were all popular and folk were chattering away for hours it seemed. Brilliant! So glad we changed the date. The pictures show the gathering, Mike and Carol hard at work and top prizewinners accepting their trophy from our chair. They keep the Viv Brock memorial cup for a year and their engraved vase for good. Well done Mike and Anne, stiff competition considering 90 plots judged.
We'll do it all again next year. Coach trip next in 2 weeks.