Tuesday, 12 March 2013

St. Cleer garden club

The interest around the county about our project pleasantly surprises me as several village and town garden clubs have approached me to come along to their friendly meetings and give a presentation of our association. I do enjoy spreading the story of how we came to be formed, what obsticles had to be overcome before we could even start, how we go about everything, etc.

St.Cleer garden club were the latest to ask and as I drove out on what was officially the coldest March night for 30 years, I wondered (a) what sort of audience I would have and (b) would I be there for the night if the snow forecast descended?

I needn't have worried, the secretary Jean and her husband were very welcoming and the members, around 23-26 in number were keenly interested in what I had to say, the questions at the end were confirmation of their enthusiasm for our successful project.

I don't have a projector but take along 15 large A4 laminated photos and hand these around as I talk about that particular aspect.

The talk was cut down a little from my usual 90 minute speel as all needed to get home in good time in view of the weather but I was thanked and the club donated £25 towards plants for our community gardens which will be used to good effect.

I ended by displaying the shield we won for Cornwall in bloom, (grow your own category winner), telling this story, before inviting them back for a tour of our site when everything was actively growing and was pleased at the positive response. Glad I managed to wet their appetite.

This talk was the 6th I have carried out since we started and with St. Teath due to be visited next month, folk now know who we are and why we are quite unique in what we are trying to achieve.

The friendships that are formed on these evenings between the clubs go on far beyond one night and is a worthwhile exercise.

Thank you St. Cleer for a nice evening.

I need not have worried about the snow either, it thankfully didn't materialise but I could have done without the 10 mile detour around narrow, bendy, frozen country lanes to get home thanks to Cornwall Highways closing the A38 for roadworks overnight, nice one!

The pic is of the talk to St. Breward garden club in 2012.